And, then we thought, with Monday being our day off and the restaurant closed, why don't we offer it up as a 'classroom' for others like him so that maybe we can teach them job skills in service to help them become employed? The program has been in effect and growing ever since. This foundation is its "next life," so to speak, and is completely separate from Sorriso Kitchen.
It is our sincere goal and desire to help this develop further and expand into other communities as we educate, help support and influence other businesses to do the same. This charity can grow into such an important part of these kids futures. Won't you contribute to our efforts?
We are the Bellas Family. Karen, Jimmy, L.J. and Nico and we've owned a restaurant named Sorriso Kitchen for more than 4 years now on Main Street in Chatham, NJ - our hometown.
With LJ coming to us with Down Syndrome, we looked at our lives and his future differently. What type of job would he be able to get upon turning 21? Would he be respected and safe in whatever that environment looked like? Would anyone be there to advocate for him if he couldn't for himself? Any parent with a developmentally disabled child understands this uncertainty and anxiety. So what did we do?
We opened a restaurant.